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What We Do

We support and assist the Parish Council in maintaining, rejuvenating and renovating village assets such as the public benches and traditional Sussex white fingerposts


We monitor, advise and liaise with the Parish Council and with Rother District Council on planning matters, particularly in relation to listed buildings and the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural beauty


We contribute to the funding of major village projects (for example, the recent replacement of the commemorative playing field gates, and the renovation of the steps up to the war memorial)


We have planted and now maintain the Conservation Society Orchard and Jubilee Nuttery at St Francis Fields, in the centre of the village


We work with an ecologist and with Fergus Garrett at Great Dixter to improve biodiversity and protect wildlife in the village


We regularly organise fun fundraising events for the Society (for example, our highly popular Mamma Mia and Grease singalongs in the Village Hall, and this summer’s Jazz In the Summer Meadow at Westwell House)

Registered charity no 801710

© 2022 by Northiam Conservation Society

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